How we help

When You Come to the Centre

If you have been or are being you-are-too-young.jpgtrafficked, we encourage you to come to Open Door Centre. The centre is a safe and confidential place. We offer continuous support so we welcome you to come again after the first visit. You can make arrangements with the supportive counsellor or therapist for when you are available to schedule your next appointment.


How We Help

We believe that every person who has experienced sex trafficking deserves an opportunity for support and protection. Our trauma informed supportive counsellors and registered therapists offer one on one meetings. We provide ongoing support to ensure trauma recovery. The Centre also provides advocacy and referrals for safe houses, academic, legal, health, and vocational needs.


Do you or someone you know need help?
We are a safe place to talk about sexual exploitation.
We offer referrals to safe housing and other community resources.

We do not provide legal advice.

If you or someone you know needs help Contact us: Call or text (902) 292-9100





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